Behind every successful show, there ought to be tremendous effort put in. And in order to summon effort of such extent, there has to exist a motivator. It's no different for this year's show for NDP 09!
Previously we had given credits to our Parade Commander and Sergeant Major on our latest Human Touch episode. Today, the honour goes to our Chief of Navy - Rear Admiral (RADM) Chew Men Leong.
"Hooya for CNV!" That's the cheer for Chief of Navy (CNV) upon ending his speech at Combined rehearsal 3
-An extract of speech to the Navy Guards Of Honour -
'The scene backdated me to NDP 2005 held at the Padang when I was part of Navy GOH. The support and recognition that the Chief of Navy then had given to us and other supporting contingents greatly boosted our spirits and morale. Truly, the Navy stands out as they were wearing white. That makes them special. There will be hardship going through the rehearsals but I believe it is worthwhile as celebrating the nation 44 years of achievements together.'Navy GOH, Supporting Contingent and their respective trainers straining their ears to listen to CNV's speech.
Motivated and inspired, the Navy Guard of Honors r all set to go!! =D
cool, sia...won't want to be them though
senkki said...
July 20, 2009 at 1:48 PM
=) wow...marching's seriously tiring work...
Anonymous said...
July 21, 2009 at 5:44 PM
heard that navy's trainging (in general) is one of the toughest. is it true?????????
Anonymous said...
July 21, 2009 at 6:41 PM
lol, very impressed to see the guards marching and performing drills in tandem. must have taken them a lot of time to reach that standard
jiejun said...
July 22, 2009 at 10:09 AM